Wonderful Compliments from one of my Students

For those of us who do not have the avid following of Shiva Rea or aren’t currently working at the latest “supercool Yoga Studio du jour” … growing a following of students is a laborious process requiring faith, persistence, and time. In addition to my corporate yoga and privates, I decided to rent a space for a few hours several times a month to teach a “private group” class. These kinds of things can be hard to get off the ground, and as expected almost all who RSVP’d ending up dropping out a the last minute (with good reason! everything from the onset of flu to injured knees and backs made it pretty unrealistic for them to attend.)

One student did make it, an the benefit for him was that he got the full, customized attention of a private session for the price of a group class. 🙂 I wanted to share his effusive email to me after our session last night:

“Just wanted to thank you again for the session last night – it was really great and I got a ton out of it!

– Really liked the music mix! Was that your own stuff, or just other music you found? Really kept the session nice without seeming too ‘stereotypical’!

– I really felt comfortable during the session there, like you had been doing this for years! You were super confident with the whole thing, described all the poses well, and kept me as a student feeling comfortable in trying new or difficult poses without feeling forced to do things that were maybe outside my current range. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I thought you were excellent as an instructor and it’s clear you’ve put so much work and effort into being really top notch at it, so congrats!!!!”

Talk about making my day. This is what we all strive for as teachers, to make the smallest difference in someone’s life, to appear knowledgeable and sincere.